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Senwai SC3000R Industrial Safety Cabinets 專業儲存可燃液體化學品 (114 liters capacity)
市場參考價: $21,500
付款方式: 接受政府P-card,學校和NGO等機構免批核即享有30天數期。
歡迎公司客戶申請數期付款方便長期合作 (需批核)。
Product highlight 產品簡介
  • 注:紅色安全櫃在國際上代表專業儲存可燃液體化學品。如::氫、一氧化碳、甲烷、丙烷、乙烯、氣溶膠,油墨和塗料等。
  • SENWAI safety cabinet is designed with double-deck steel plate structure, having a gap of 40mm to maximize the fireproof capability.
  • High quality cold roll steel plate is used to intensify the shield of cabinet for a better fireproof function.
  • The leakproof liquid cell at the bottom of cabinet with the height of 50mm could greatly prevent the chemical liquid from leakout.
  • With special corrosion-proof and leakproof galvanized shelf. The maximum load can up to 400lbs(180kg).
  • Durable and non-lead epoxy resin paint is painted both sides to maximize the anti-chemical ability.
  • Three-language for the clear and corrosion-proof label sticked on the cabinet.
  • Dual vents with built-in flash arresters strategically installed at both sides of the cabinet.
  • With 4 adjustable horizontal supports to guarantee the stability of the cabinet.
  • Construction of cabinet in according to the requirement of OSHA. Cabinet also provided with earthing socket for easy earthing installation.
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The high-tech SENWAI safety cabinet complys with OSHA standard, made in accordance with the requirement of NFPA clause No. 30 for storage of flammable and hazardous chemical material.


SENWAI 安全櫃達到OSHA(美國職業安全健康管理局),符合NFPA(美國國家消防協會)第30條規定的要求用於規範儲存易燃液體及危險化學品。

產品表面不含鉛噴塗料,表面光亮耐腐蝕和潮濕。 獨有的防溢盤防止意外洩露的化學品四溢。焊接的擱板層檔確保安全層板穩固可靠。5釐米高的防漏液槽使意外流出的液體不外溢的液體不外溢。儲存化學品的類型:在儲存化學品的過程中使用有色標籤來識別、整理、分開各種易燃或危險液體。這樣做同時又能在發生火災方便消防人員識別危險品。

容量: 114 Litres

外尺寸: 1120mm H * 1090mm W * 460mm D
重量: 100Kg
配置: 雙門


weight: 100Kg

Door type: Dual/Manual

貨期: 訂貨產品,一般訂貨期需1-2 月出貨,如供應商缺貨,會已電郵通知客戶。
​1. Free delivery to Office site user with lift Service. (不包括搬樓梯)
2. Delivery charge to Residence user with lift service of items: 
3. Small Safe under 50kg 小夾萬 are HK$ 900.00/unit
4. Med Safe with 50Kg - 350kg 中夾萬 are HK$ 1,500.00/units 
5. Over 350 Kg will be negotiable & site visit before price quote
5. No lift service delivery charge will be negotiable for all Office user and Residence user